Clergy Delegate Elections for 2020 General Conference

At Annual Conference this June 5-8, we will elect delegates to the 2020 General & Jurisdictional Conferences. Clergy interested in serving as delegates are invited to submit this form available to indicate their interest.  All clergy members in full connection (Full Elders and Full Deacons, including those approved for ordination at this year’s Clergy Session), whether or not they declare their interest to serve or furnish information on this form are eligible for election (¶35 Article IV, 2016 Discipline). 

The intent of this form is to provide a means for those interested in serving to let their colleagues know and to encourage an atmosphere of integrity, respect, and love that is in keeping with our rich, diverse, covenantal life together.  We also want to provide the means for candidates to share information that allows members of the Annual Conference to make informed decisions.

In this year in which we already have been through a contentious General Conference, this form is an attempt to bring us together, level the playing field, make the process public and transparent, and to hold up our shared guiding principles of Christ-centeredness, fruitfulness, excellence, accountability, and collaboration.  In past years there have been candidates, supporters, or caucus groups that have disseminated other forms of campaign materials, letters of endorsement, slates of candidates, or lists of questions.  No person interested in serving as a delegate is obligated to respond to such communications.

Potential delegates should know that they are expected to read thousands of pages of conference materials, attend numerous preparatory meetings, and may incur some personal expense in doing so.

Let us be in a spirit of prayerful discernment as we consider who God is calling to serve as our Rio Texas delegates to the 2020 General and Jurisdictional Conferences.

2020 Clergy Delegate General/Jurisdictional Conference Interest Form - PDF

2020 Clergy Delegate General/Jurisdictional Conference Interest Form - Word Doc

Please submit your form via email: or mail to: Rio Texas Annual Conference (Clergy Delegate Application), 16400 Huebner, San Antonio, TX 78248