The Rio Texas Conference Advance

The Advance connects us in mission.  The Advance began in 1948 as an official program of the United Methodist Church, through which voluntary, designated financial support is given by individuals or local churches for approved projects.

The Rio Texas Conference Advance program is modeled on The Advance of the General Board of Global Ministries.  It is an accountable, designated, “second-mile” giving arm of the annual conference and it ensures that 100% of each gift reaches its intended mission or ministry. You, the donor, decide which program or ministry to support through the Rio Texas Advance.  The Conference Treasurer’s Office receives and processes your gift, forwards it to the project, and “credits” your church for the gift. The project receives 100% of every contribution your make through the Rio Texas Advance program.

 Five Star Church

The conference’s Five Star Church Program was developed in 1990 to encourage local churches in the Rio Texas Conference to grow in mission giving and mission outreach every year.   Five Star churches receive an award certificate and special Annual Conference recognition of their giving through the Advance.

“Five Star” is the designation and recognition given to Rio Texas Conference congregations that participate in the Advance program by doing the following things every year: 

-       Paying 100% of their apportionments
-       Contributing toward UMCOR Sunday (formerly called One Great Hour of Sharing)
-       Contributing in each of the following FIVE mission categories

A.   One Rio Texas district or conference Advance project
(online catalog)

B.    One national Advance project outside the bounds of the Rio Texas Conference
(go to to search online for a national project)

C.    One international Advance project
(go to to search online for an international project)

D.   One UMCOR project
(see the suggested list below)

E.    Support for a Global Ministries missionary
(go to and click on “Missionaries”)


Suggested UMCOR projects (item D above)

3001    UMCOR – Undesignated
3010    Disaster – USA
3016    International Disaster
3019    Church World Service, CROP Hunger Walk
3031    UMCOR Depot, Sager-Brown
3065   Maua Hospital Maternal and Child Health Program
3124    Heifer International, Living Gifts
3133    Justice for Our Neighbors
3166    Clean Water and Sanitation
3197    Anti-Human Trafficking


Online Rio Texas Advance Project Catalog for 2021-2024 for Rio Texas District and Conference Advance projects. 

Click on to search online for the code numbers for:

(1) a national Advance project outside of the bounds of the Rio Texas Conference
(2) an international Advance project in another country
(3) a United Methodist missionary supported by the General Board of Global Ministries.


Please note:
ALL Advance giving toward Five Star status must be sent through the Conference Treasurer’s office so there will be an automatic Conference record of the church's giving for every project.

Applying for Listing as an Approved Rio Texas Advance project

The Rio Texas Conference Transforming Communities Vision Team coordinates the Advance program for the Rio Texas Annual Conference.  The Vision Team accepts applications for Advance status from projects operating within the bounds of the Annual Conference and reviews each of them.

Applications can also be obtained by contacting:

Nicole Alabi, Rio Texas Conference Office; (210) 408-4514

Applications are currently not being accepted. We will reach out during Fall 2024 to the current advances regarding the 2025-2028 quadrennium application.

Please direct questions to one of these two people:

Diana Woods
RTX Advance/5 Star Program/Harvest Sunday Offering Coordinator 
(512) 917-9072

Ruby Hernandez
Accounts Receivable
Rio Texas Conference
(210) 408-4523


Revised October 2024