New Districts
Maps and Data as of March 21:
Map - PDF Printable
Current Districts - PDF
New Districts - PDF
Each district superintendent is responsible for the supervisory ministry in their districts.
Superintendents may seek to organize their districts into sub-district and/or have supervising elders help support local congregations and clergy in cluster groups.
The bishop has also talked about the importance of regional support where church leadership could go to the closest geographical training or event and not just limited to their district.
District leadership will need to work with staff as old districts close down and new ones emerge.
Each situation will be different, and each district staff person will have unique needs.
Superintendents and district leadership will do their best to honor and help folks navigate during this time of transition.
New districts will gather during Annual Conference for a short time to elect new district leadership and set in motion any needed actions to constitute the new districts. District Superintendents will be careful to ensure there is representation across the new district boundaries in their district strategy or leadership team, district committee on ministry, and other district teams/committees they need to run the district.
We will begin to live into new districts beginning July 1, 2025.
The new district offices are located in Corpus Christi, San Antonio, and Austin.
The future of those offices will depend on district leadership and the superintendent as to best support local churches. There are no current plans to move these offices.
Conference trustees will work with district leadership to ensure old district offices and properties are handled appropriately.
We will be moving all accounting into the conference office, but spending decisions will remain with the district. This will be more cost effective and allow for uniform reporting and accounting. The districts will be provided regular financial statements with full transparency as to revenue, expenditures, assets and liabilities.
There will be no new corporations.
The existing districts will merge.
Three of the existing district coprorations will be successor corporations so that EINs may be preserved and will not need to be changed.
Which district merges into another will be determined in the coming months. The assets and liabilities of each corporation will all be merged into three continuing corporations. There will also be a reconciliation between the surviving corporations to account for the interests of churches that change districts following the mergers. -
For example, if the Capital District is merged into the Crossroads District to become the new “North“ district, there may be churches formerly in the Crossroads District that will now be in the South District. There will need to be a reconciliation to account for how assets are divided between the new districts.
The process is still under discussion.
Although there is no vote needed to approve the new district lines—there will be a called district conference, or a called meeting of the district trustees, to approve the merger in each district.
The Conference will begin to operate as three districts as of July 1, 2025 and all necessary operational and legal steps will be complete on or before January 1, 2026.
Questions from Zoom Registration
Rio Texas area will remain the same.
Many conferences are reducing districts, and we have sought the wisdom of these conference that have done this work.
Conference boundaries are NOT changing. We are reconfiguring district boundary lines.
The Hispanic congregations will continue to be an important part of the Annual Conference and needed within the new districts. The Bishop has set-up a task force on Hispanic Ministry. We pray those conversations become fruitful.
Please see FAQ’s above
Districts are intended to support the work of the local church. They also serve as the intermediary between the local church and the Annual Conference. Districts are required by the Book of Disciple.
Please see FAQ’s
District leadership, along with the District Superintendent, determine how district resources are used.
The Annual Conference is exploring the hiring of staff to support small membership and rural congregations.
Please see our upcoming training opportunity
Charge Conferences are called by the District Superintendent. The District Superintendent will work with local churches and leadership to determine the best way to hold those conferences.
Please see FAQ above.
District Leadership and the District Superintendent determine the best way to fund grant programs.
Please see FAQ’s above
July 1, 2025