Coronavirus Update

Yesterday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott extended his executive order enforcing federal social distancing guidelines to slow the spread of COVID-19. The renewed order, found here, was noted to include an exemption for religious services, only where online services are impossible to provide, and then following the social distancing guidelines issued by the President and the CDC. Those guidelines include a restriction on gatherings of more than 10 people. 

We acknowledge and commend those Rio Texas church leaders and participants who have adopted alternative, creative ways to gather virtually for worship and support. Especially as we approach Holy Week and Easter, we encourage churches to continue working in this way. The next several weeks will be critical in our effort to stem the spread of the virus, and the cooperative effort of all of us is important. Our willingness to amend our practices is a gift we give to people we may never meet. 

There is no question that this Lenten season has required a form of personal discipline and professional restraint many of us have never known. As we walk together toward the cross and on to the empty tomb, we know Christ is with us and especially with those who are suffering. May Jesus inspire us to share his good news with the world, from a distance, yet with power and hope. 

Robert Schnase 

Bishop, Rio Texas Conference 

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