Methodist Healthcare Ministries Celebrates Las Misiones Outreach
/Colonial Hills UMC NOVA Sunday School took home the "Friend of Wesley" Award.
Methodist Healthcare Ministries celebrated two Las Misiones churches during a Thursday, Nov. 3 Family Wellness Programs banquet at the Wesley Health and Wellness Center in San Antonio. Colonial Hills UMC received the “Friend of Wesley” award for their NOVA Sunday Schools’ efforts in assisting a family in need.
The Sunday School class met the family during an annual Christmas outreach effort.
“When members of the Sunday School class delivered their gifts to the family they adopted through the Wesley Health and Wellness Center Meld program, a large, loving, multigenerational family with two special needs children, the NOVA class observed that the home appeared to be in great need of repair,” said Senior Pastor Rev. Diana Philips.
The class determined household repairs needed to include a lack of a working toilet. The class paid for a plumber to fix the issue. Other repairs that the class worked on included a leaky roof and no working hot water or electric stove.
Las Misiones District Superintendent Rev. Carl Rohlfs with Ignacia Ballesteros, recipient of the 2016 Child Care Provider of the Year Award."
“As the NOVA Sunday School class moves forward in their partnership with this family, they continue to keep in constant consideration the respect for dignity that should always be foremost in one’s heart,” said Philips.
According to MHM, the Friend of Wesley award honors individuals or organizations that “has made significant contributions toward strengthening families by advocating for children and their families.”
Also recognized at the banquet, Ignacia Ballesteros of El Buen Samaritano UMC received the “2016 Child Care Provider of the Year Award.”