A Reminder Regarding Discerning Pathways - Disaffiliation


As summer calendars and ministries are in full bloom, I truly pr­­­ay you can find some time to rest and enjoy family. Even as I have spent time in retreat, I have noticed VBS events, UM ARMY work, and mission trips occurring in the conference. I am grateful for each of you and thank God for your ministry. 

I would like to give further clarifying statements around our Discerning Pathways disaffiliation process in the Río Texas Conference. Some in our conference believe there is a need to rush or press this process since ¶2553 mentions a deadline. Please know that the disaffiliation guidelines provided by our trustees indicates using the same process even after the expiration of ¶2553.  The citation from page 5 of our Discerning Pathways – Disaffiliation document reads as follows:

Since ¶2553 is no longer valid after December 31, 2023, disaffiliations after that date will be handled under ¶2548 with the process outlined above required for the necessary bishop’s approval. This includes a 2/3 vote of the charge conference, a period of discernment, and apportionment and liability payments

Since Annual Conference, we have had only a handful of churches request to begin this process and I appreciate the spirit and sincerity offered in such requests. It is the Río Texas Discerning Pathways disaffiliation document that will be used in our conference, not information or resources from other areas. Kindly listen to a portion of my annual conference presentation that addresses these guidelines disaffiliation.

A few reminders from my address:

First, the default is that every congregation remains a part of The United Methodist Church and in connection to the Río Texas Conference. Only those congregations who believe they absolutely cannot continue in relationship have any need to consider disaffiliation. Our conference policy is different from most others because it explicitly invites every congregation, traditionalist, moderate, or progressive to remain a part of the conference. There is room for you and your church in our conference.

Second, there is no rush. Disaffiliation is full of implications; it is a serious decision. Even if your church is inclined to leave the Río Texas Conference, you can wait until GC 2024 for something like the protocol of 2020 to be adopted.  Part of inaccurate information is that this must be done before the end of 2023. There will always be a means by which a congregation can disaffiliate.

I hope this information helps clarify what can be misconstrued. Once again, please know I appreciate each one of you and all you do for the purposes of Christ and The United Methodist Church.

Robert Schnase
Río Texas Annual Conference