Project Transformation - Adapting, Growing, & Moving

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The Rio Texas Conference and Project Transformation would like to share an important update. This summer, Project Transformation (PT) will be moving out of the conference office and into a new facility. Details about this move can be found in the update written by Kercida McClain below. The ministry of PT is a blessing for the college interns who teach and lead grade-school students, for the churches, and volunteers, and donors that make PT possible.  We look forward to our continued work with Kercida McClain and the team that works with Project Transformation.

Robert Schnase, Bishop
Rio Texas Conference

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Grape Juice
An Update on Project Transformation Housing and Home

The long and short of it is that Project Transformation will have a fabulous new home by the end of June.

The details: PT has completely re-modified its summer 2020 program to be virtual out of love for all those we work with and beside. That means no interns living in the community this summer. The good news is that as we hit the typical speed bumps of construction, we are no longer on a compressed time table and everything is still being completed meeting high expectations and code requirements. The building looks fabulous. The transformation is remarkable.

The Capital Campaign that had just begun has been paused in light of people needing to support much more basic needs in the crisis. The good news is that gap funding had already been secured from TMF and it is being used and is enough. The generosity of the Las Misiones District and the Coker UMC Foundation got everything rolling and TMF will sustain us until we ramp the Capital Campaign back up in the fall.

PT has also had the privilege during COVID to stand in the gap for St. Marks’ neighbors needing food. When the church needed to close during COVID, so did the food pantry. PT kept serving those neighbors and that allowed us to get to meet and interact with our neighbors. Our presence on the campus has meant activity and interaction when things would have been very quiet otherwise.

Our immediate plan is to relocate the PT offices into two rooms in the Housing building so as to not have an amazing building sit empty and to continue the work anchoring in the neighborhood that began this spring. The goal is still for the Afterschool Fellow(s) to live there when it is safe to be back together physically and of course we are looking toward a full building next summer. PT is still planning to welcome guests visiting our community by offering low cost accommodations as they serve in our area.

We can’t wait to throw the doors open wide and celebrate this facility and all the potential it holds. Thank you for your partnership with us and so many yet to come.

Kercida McClain
Donor. Volunteer. CEO.
Project Transformation Rio Texas

Click here to see some pictures!