Rio Texas Conference Historic and Predominantly African-American Congregations to Meet in December

In 2015 and under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Marcus Freeman, Director of Leadership Vitality, the Rio Texas Annual Conference (RTC) allied with “Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century” (SBC21), a program of the United Methodist Church’s General Board of Discipleship, for the purpose of assisting historical or predominantly African-American United Methodist congregations in becoming more effective in their missions and ministries.
Through the formation of the Rio Texas Black Church Development Design Team (BCDDT), led by Rev. Dr. Jack C. Gause and Dr. Beverly Woodson Day, nearly a dozen churches engaged in a covenant of exploration and learning, which is already yielding positive results.
With the support and guidance of SBC21 advisors and coaches, RTC churches are being equipped with strategies and resources for greater missional effectiveness…effectiveness in reaching diverse communities, addressing missional needs, and, ultimately, making disciples of Jesus Christ.
At a recent meeting, Pastor Ruth A. Martin, East St Paul UMC (San Antonio), excitedly exclaimed (SEVERAL TIMES), “This process really works!” Her congregation was among the first to enter the coaching process and is already discovering resources and opportunities that promise to turn their church around. Likewise, other churches are beginning to discern and reap similar benefits from the program.
On Saturday, December 10th, St. Paul UMC (508 N. Center Street, San Antonio TX), will host the first RTC training meeting of SBC21-involved churches, coaches, and BCDDT members. This meeting will serve a dual purpose, as congregational leaders who have not already enrolled in the program are urged to attend and discern if SBC21 may be a missional tool for their churches, as well. This gathering will afford every participant the opportunity to ask questions and get resources for moving forward.
For information regarding this event, contact Dr. Freeman or Eve Albert at 210-408-4500 ext. 511. Also, registration information will be sent to all eligible RTC churches.