Manchaca United Methodist Church Youth Minister

Manchaca United Methodist Church is looking for a Christ-seeking individual with a passion for youth ministry and a desire to pour into and disciple to youth. Manchaca UMC offers both traditional (8:30 AM and 11:00 AM) and praise worship (11:00 AM) services each Sunday morning. We celebrate who God is and what God is doing in our lives and community each time we gather to worship. Whether you enjoy singing traditional hymns and choir anthems or modern music with a band, the message of hope and love found in Scripture is the focus of each service. Manchaca, TX is located right outside of Austin, TX.

This open Youth Minister position is a part of the Center for Youth Ministry Training’s (CYMT) Graduate Residency program. The residency program creates a whole-person learning environment by nurturing residents academically in the classroom, vocationally in the local church and through personal coaching, as well as emotionally and socially through peer interaction in a cohort of fellow graduate residents.

Graduate residents in the program gain experience in a 3-year supervised practicum as a youth director in a local church while earning a Master of Arts in Youth Ministry through one of our seminary partners. Acceptance to the residency program is competitive and is limited to a cohort of 12 graduate residents per year.

CYMT graduate residency in Youth Ministry includes:

All-inclusive scholarship covering tuition, books, and retreat costs
48 credit hour Master of Arts in Youth Ministry degree earned over the 3-year program
Job serving as a youth director in a local church
$1,000 per month stipend
Housing and utilities

Regional Locations
Manchaca United Methodist Church is one of roughly 24 churches with whom CYMT will be partnering this year. These churches are affiliated with a variety of denominational backgrounds across two regions. Our Nashville Regional Campus seeks to partner with churches within a 4-hour radius of Memphis where our partner seminary is located. Our Texas Regional Campus seeks to partner with churches within a 3-hour radius of Austin.

Has felt a call to Ministry and is ready to answer that call
Must be at least 22 years of age
Be able to make a 35 month commitment to CYMT
Given that this position requires candidates to enroll in a Master’s program, a bachelor’s degree is required by the start of the program (July 2017).

Application Process
All questions and inquires should be directed to Courtney Wilson at or 615-829-8469. The final deadline is March 15, 2017. For more information, please visit
