
The Rio Texas Religion and Race, Intergenerational Discipleship and Uniting Peoples vision team invite individuals, Bible Study group, groups ministries or Local churches to participate in March for 30 days of anti-racism. Each day we will engage in an activity that helps us to become more aware of the IMAGO DEI in self and others. Follow the daily activities in the calendar and share your progress with a picture, a reflection, or short video using #30DaysAntiRacismRTC2024 in social media or sent it to pastoramaribelpr@gmail.com

What inspired this project?

Campus minister Morgan Stafford has committed himself to live an anti-racist faith and life, to focus and make tangible his beliefs, Morgan spent the month of June doing at least one thing every day to listen to, learn from, do, and become more anti-racist, reporting his progress via social media. GCORR liked the idea and reached out to Morgan to share his story, what he accomplished, and how it’s changed and enhanced his spiritual growth and his work with young people. We want to include others to participate and experience first-hand the experience to discover God in one another.

Religion and race, and Intergenerational Discipleship of The Rio Texas Conference invite all conference members to spend the month of March doing #30DaysAntiRacismRTC2024. Please post photos of your activities in social media; and encourage your friends, members of your congregation, Sunday school class, pastors, and community partners to join for these 30 days.

We are looking forward to hearing the stories of transformation during and after the #30DaysAntiRacismRTC2024.

Yours in ministry:

Religion and Race, Intergenerational Discipleship, and Uniting peoples Vision Team of the Rio Texas Conference.

*If you are interested to connect with more Religion and Race initiatives in our conference contact Rev. Maribel Vázquez at pastoramaribelpr@gmail.com or Mrs. Juliette Green at judy8086@hotmail.com, chairs of this committee.

Glossary of Terms

Antiracism/Antiracist – The belief that racism is present in all levels of society and that active work is required in the form of practices and policies to combat that racism and move toward establishing a more just and equitable society for all people. 

BIPOC – Acronym which stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

HBCU – Acronym which stands for Historically Black Colleges & Universities.

Implicit Bias – A bias that a person may not be aware they have. It is “what we don’t think we think.” A bias that is so ingrained in ourselves that we don’t realize we have it. Everyone has implicit bias by virtue of being raised in a society/culture.

Intercultural – A group or setting that contains more than one culture. These cultures may or may not be based on race/ethnicity. Different cultures can also be rooted in location/area of origin, age, sexual preference, gender identity, and more.

LGBTQIA+ - Acronym which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and more (+). For a full explanation of those terms, see our resource here.

Racial Justice – Impartial fairness, equity, morally good or correct standing as it relates to how different races are treated both as individuals and as a group in broader society.