The preteen years are tough. Changes are happening to their bodies, minds, and emotions which make it hard to know exactly what’s going on. And what hard topics to try and discuss with Mom and Dad. Wonderfully Made provides kids ages 10–12 the opportunity to not only ask questions about growing up, but to get faith-based answers as well. The curriculum covers physical development and spiritual connection while helping preteens establish a foundation for their life in Christ.

The Wonderfully Made Participant Book contains factual information, anatomical illustrations, reflection questions, and spiritual practices. The Participant Book covers all the topics covered in a Wonderfully Made Experience, including anatomy, puberty, reproduction, sexual health, relationships and boundaries. The book is designed so that a child can work through it individually or as a participant in a Wonderfully Made Experience. Children are encouraged to work through the book with a parent, guardian, or trusted adult. 

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Questions? Contact: Rev. Dr. Tanya Campen,