2022 Harvest Sunday Special Offering - Sunday, November 6, 2022
/Used by Permission Buda United Methodist Church Food Pantry
“In 2021, 53 million people turned to food banks and community programs for help putting food on the table.” https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america.
Since 2011, Feeding America has conducted an annual Map the Meal Gap study to improve our understanding of food insecurity and food costs at the local level. To learn more about hunger in areas of the Rio Texas conference and your own community visit: https://map.feedingamerica.org/.
Support the work in our Districts and through global ministry advance projects by participating in the 2022 Harvest Sunday Offering on Sunday November 6, 2022, however, participation may occur at any time throughout the month of November. Offerings should be sent directly to your local church through online giving, or by check. Remember to designate that your gift is for “Harvest Sunday” and all remittances returned to the Conference office by the end of the first week of December.
Your Harvest Sunday Gift in 2022 will be allocated as follows:
1/3 of proceeds shall be allocated for hunger initiative projects along the Texas-Mexico border areas that are 2 situated, and served within the El Valle, Hill Country, Las Misiones, and West Districts.
1/3 of proceeds shall be returned to participating districts. Funds shall be distributed, in consultation with district 5 mission committees, and the District Superintendent, focusing on projects that promote nourishment and well-being of 6 our brothers and sisters.
1/3 of proceeds shall be equally allocated among the following 5 Global Ministry Advance Projects also focusing 8 on nourishment, well-being, and economic empowerment.
Advance #3021566 Indigenous Women Vegetable Gardening and Leadership Project Guatemala
Advance #07629A Give Ye Them To Eat - Mexico
Advance #2016 Rio Texas Methodist Border Friendship Commission
Advance #1428 El Valle District Border Refugee Ministries
Advance #1530 Mission Border Hope
I thank all of you in our conference who work so hard and those who give. You make the difference.
Diana Woods, Harvest Sunday Coordinator
Deaconess, Rio Texas Conference