General Conference Postponed until 2022

Commission on the General Conference

February 25, 2021

General Conference Postponed to 2022

Meeting on February 20, the Commission on the General Conference made a decision to further postpone the 2020 General Conference until August 29 – September 6, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minn. as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the safety of mass gatherings and travel.

It is the Commission’s responsibility to select the site and set the dates of General Conference. Further, the Book of Discipline requires the Commission on the General Conference to "take necessary measures to assure full participation of all General Conference delegates." The Commission concluded that mandate was not achievable by means of either an in-person meeting in 2021 or a virtual meeting.

In making the decision, the Commission determined that it was not feasible to safely hold an in-person meeting involving all delegates as currently scheduled for August 29 - September 7, 2021 due to a number of barriers:
•    The number of COVID cases continues to rise, with nearly 2.49 million confirmed cases the week of February 15.
•    Vaccine is not expected to be widely available this year in many countries, and new variants of the virus which may be resistant to vaccines are emerging globally.
•    International travelers to the U.S. must show proof of negative COVID-19 test results no more than three days prior to travel, but in many places, testing is not readily available or provided free of charge. 
•    Visa services remain limited in some areas.

There also remains the possibility that a temporary six-month visa bond program which requires bonds of $5,000 - $15,000 per person for residents of some countries could cost up to $2.5 million in bonds for affected delegates if the program should be extended beyond June.

The Commission’s decision was informed by the report of the Technology Study Team appointed to explore the implications of options for accommodating full participation at General Conference, including but not limited to the possibility of utilizing technology and online voting, in considering whether the meeting should be held virtually.

According to their report, “The study team considered a number of challenges and implications, including how to keep participants safe, providing for global participation, safeguarding the integrity of the voting and credentialing process, and meeting legal requirements …”

The Technology Study Team analyzed a variety of options, including an entirely electronic General Conference with participation from individual locations; an entirely electronic General Conference with delegates gathering at regional satellite hubs; and two sessions, with the first part being electronic and the second part in-person when it is safe to convene. None of these options were determined by the study team to be viable. 

The study team did find that a more traditional method—utilizing mail ballots to vote on emergency actions—could help The United Methodist Church to address important, urgent matters through the General Conference. Their report recommended utilizing mail ballots for making a limited number of “Emergency Interim Actions” on which the General Conference delegates would indicate a yes or no vote for each item. 

“The Commission shared the study team’s findings and recommendations with the officers of the Council of Bishops in a collaborative effort to jointly explore how this alternative might be utilized to address critical matters until an in person gathering of delegates can be safely convened next year,” said commission chair Kim Simpson.

Some of the concerns mentioned in the report regarding having a virtual session include:
•    Lack of infrastructure in some areas, including Internet access, Internet speed, and electricity
•    Lack of technology for equitable Holy Conferencing
•    Complexity of the legislative committee process
•    Concerns about accurate credentialing and verification of identity
•    Difficulties in seating reserve delegates properly
•    Security of voting
•    Safety concerns about regional satellite gatherings

Simpson said the August-September dates in 2022 will mean that General Conference will be one day shorter than planned for 2021; however, these dates were the only option available. Simpson said that the Commission regrets the fact that these dates once again conflict with the start of the academic year in the U.S. which a group of young adults had asked the Commission to avoid, but there were no other dates available.


About General Conference
General Conference is the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church. The assembly meets at the beginning of each quadrennium to consider revisions to church law, as well as adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy and economic issues. It also approves plans and budgets for church-wide programs for the next four years. 

Media contact:
Diane Degnan
615.742.5406 (o) 615.483.1765 (c)

Uniting Table - The work we are doing

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In the past, the Uniting Table has met twice a year to discuss the work of the annual conference. For the past few months, thanks in part to the flexibility of a virtual format, the Uniting Table has met more often for wide-ranging conversation concerning our common life and ministry. Below, a few members of the Uniting Table share about the conversations, work, and hope that have come from these meetings.

Rev. Dr. Ralph D. Mann
Rio Texas Conference
Uniting Table Chair

It has been five years since the Rio Grande Conference and the Southwest Texas Conference became the Rio Texas Conference (January 1, 2015).  This was after many years of working within our mission fields – both together and separate; many meetings – again, both together and separate; a Joint Unification Conference (2/8/14); and individual conference meetings to approve the action.  We said we were creating a bold new thing.  In the journal of the unification conference, we stated: “The conference is organized through structure, people and processes to focus on the mission field.  The Uniting Table will coordinate mission and ministry in the Rio Texas Conference.  The Uniting Table is intended to be inclusive and collaborative, include diverse voices, and promote unity and reconciliation.”

As the Chair, I voiced some concerns at our November meeting that we as a Uniting Table had gotten a little off track, and perhaps this bold new idea of the Rio Texas Conference had also.  I wanted transparency and a resurgence of clergy and lay confidence in the Annual Conference.  Yes, we have done great things, but I knew we could do better.  The conversation that started to emerge amazed me.  It may have begun as a way to draft an anti-racism statement, but what happened was a time of healing and hope for a new way to embrace the mission field from a fully unified front.  Since our November meeting, the Uniting Table has had 2 two-hour meetings (all via Zoom) where we processed what happened in the unification of five plus years ago, and what made each of the parent conferences unique.  What we began to realize is that the uniqueness of each of the parent conferences have become the identity of the new Rio Texas Conference, and it brought us joy.  Bishop Schnase led us in this process as he made certain that we heard from everyone, and there was a diversity and inclusiveness in the voices.  All voices mattered as we gathered.  In my almost 35 years in ministry these were some of the best meetings and conversations I have ever been part of.

When I look at the uniqueness of the two parent conferences, I see the following as some of the uniqueness of Rio Texas Conference:

Spanish Language as still being part of our foundation – a voice to remind the general church of inclusiveness.
Connecting to the community and the continuation of the MARCHA causes.
A sense of unity in our diversity, led by the presence and example of great leaders.
A truly largeness of heart that steps beyond any polarization.
A sense of familia/family that bridges geography and structure.
A leadership presence across the denomination.
A commitment to education of professional and spiritual growth.
A rich level of fellowship.
Truly lifting up women in ministry and leadership.
The sending conference(s) of many episcopal leaders.
Devotion to and love for the church.
An informality that creates a relaxed setting at our gatherings.

Well, there was much more to our discussion; but it was so rich and diverse, and it gave us all a great sense of hope.  I ask that you pray for the Uniting Table of the Annual Conference.  We are tasked with keeping the mission of the Annual Conference in front of the Annual Conference.  With COVID and everything else happening in the life of the church, I see a hope-filled future in the Rio Texas Conference.

Marlee Claes
Youth Ministry Council Representative

I was invited to be a part of the Rio Texas Uniting Table meetings in 2020. The subject at hand has been a reflection of the unification process when the Rio Grande and Southwest Texas conferences combined to form our current conference. 

Much time has been spent talking about the former conferences and what made them unique. We have had some honest conversations, sharing our hardships and disappointments with the way our unification was done - the loss of that feeling of “church family’ in the conference and churches feeling like they can’t work as a team - but we have also spoken about all the good we have been able to accomplish together and how we can amplify that good going forward in a way that caters to all.

As a youth, the goal of mending bridges and bettering our conference is especially important to me, because the Rio Texas Conference is the only conference I've ever known, and It's the one in which I will continue to grow in faith and leadership. My hope is we engage our youth and young adults as we continue this work in order to help the Rio Texas Conference have it’s best chance to be a Conference that will carry on for years to come.

I feel lucky to be a part of a group with such passionate people working towards bettering the Rio Texas Conference and in turn the United Methodist Church as a whole.

Ralph Thompson
Conference Lay Leader/Connection/Role in Uniting Table

I love the lyric from the “Hamilton” play, “No one else was in the room where it happened.” So often, the excitement and promise of an idea fails to go beyond the walls of the room where it happened. Often, the enthusiasm of a plan wanes before it reaches those outside the room.

The unification of the former Rio Grande and Southwest Texas Annual Conferences was the result of ideas that, while well-conceived and well-planned, remain a work in progress. With the potential to be a shining example to the rest of the United Methodist denomination of the diversity that is the essence of who we are, the unification and resulting functioning of our Annual Conference continue to evolve into something new and exciting.

Recent Uniting Table discussions have revealed, among many other things, that we (regardless of ethnicity, race, culture, setting of ministry and service, and style of worship) have more that promises to unite us than to separate us. Especially in this age where outside forces dwell on “differences with the other,” God’s Word lived out through this unification offers proof that God’s Church is a blessed community of kindred spirits seeking the common mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Through programs, policies, initiatives, and ministries born of our discussions, I invite all who read this, and all who work, serve, and worship in the Rio Texas Annual Conference to the “room where it happens” by staying informed and engaged in helping to build up the Body of Christ. What happens in the gatherings we call the Uniting Table, is not self-serving. Instead, we exist to help seek out and offer solutions that can help every congregation within our sphere of influence to reach their goals.

I ask your prayers for those who gather at the Uniting Table of the Rio Texas Annual Conference.

Ministry Highlight - Impacto & FUMC McAllen

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We would like to take the time to celebrate two transformative ministries in Rio Texas. Both of these ministries have received support and recognition from the Texas Methodist Foundation.


Texas Methodist Foundation has awarded Iniciativa de Impacto Comunitario (Impacto) with a TMF Impact Investment for Racial Justice award. This award invests resources into organizations that are actively working to transform and support communities of color. Check out the video below and their website to learn more about Impacto.

Read TMF's press release about this award HERE.

Iniciativa de Impacto Communitario is changing their community in west San Antonio. Learn how they are doing this here.


FUMC McAllen

Feeding families is something FUMC McAllen has always worked to do, but when COVID-19 hit, a TMF grant allowed them to go from serving 40-50 families a month to serving almost 800 families a month. To learn more about the work FUMC McAllen is doing, check out the video below.

When faced with the pandemic and a hurricane, FUMC McAllen applied for a TMF COVID-19 Response and Recovery Grant to exponentially expand their food pantry outreach to those most in need.

2021 [Virtual] Annual Conference


Rio Texas Conference Delegates/Delegados de la Conferencia Río Texas, 

Our 2020-2021 Annual Conference year is in full swing, and ministry continues to impact lives and communities in the name and power of Jesus. As the Rio Texas Conference continues to be impacted by the COVID-19 virus, and the number of persons infected by the virus continues to grow, leaders from throughout the Conference have discussed the effect that this may have on conducting the 2021 Annual Conference in June. After discussions with the Uniting Table, the Cabinet, Bishop Schnase, and other district and conference leaders, it has been decided that we will hold a virtual 2021 Annual Conference. Planning is already underway. Our session will incorporate learnings and feedback from our virtual Annual Conference in October 2020, including a new voting system, improved processes for delegates to be recognized from the (virtual) floor, and opportunities for delegates to connect with one another. Information on these tools will be posted on the website and emailed to delegates as planning develops, so preparations can be made for our virtual time together.  

Nuestro año de Conferencia Anual 2020-2021 está en pleno apogeo, y el ministerio continúa impactando vidas y comunidades en el nombre y el poder de Jesús. A medida que la Conferencia Río Texas continúa siendo afectada por el virus COVID-19, y la cantidad de personas infectadas por el virus continúa creciendo, los líderes de toda la Conferencia han conversado sobre el efecto que esto puede tener en la reunión de la Conferencia Anual 2021 en junio. Después de conversar con la Mesa Unida, el Gabinete, el Obispo Schnase y otros líderes de distrito y de la conferencia, se decidió que llevaremos a cabo una Conferencia Anual virtual de 2021. Su planificación ya está en marcha. Nuestra sesión incorporará las lecciones aprendidas y comentarios de nuestra Conferencia Anual virtual en octubre de 2020, incluyendo un nuevo sistema de votación, mejorados procesos para que los delegados sean reconocidos desde el piso (virtual) y oportunidades para que los delegados se comuniquen entre sí mismos. La información sobre estas herramientas se publicará en el sitio web y se enviará por correo electrónico a los delegados a medida que se desarrolle la planificación, para poder hacer preparativos para nuestro tiempo virtual juntos.

Pray for the Rio Texas Conference as we continue our ministry in new and exciting ways. Pray for the team that is putting together our worship, teachings, workshops and business sessions for Annual Conference. Celebrate with us the opportunities all of us have to be creative in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. I look forward with eagerness to gathering, learning and celebrating in new, profound, and creative ways with you at our virtual 2021 Annual Conference in June. 

Ore por la Conferencia Río Texas mientras continuamos nuestro ministerio de maneras nuevas y emocionantes. Ore por el equipo que está organizando nuestra adoración, lecciones, talleres y sesiones de negocios de la Conferencia Anual. Celebre con nosotros las oportunidades que todos tenemos de ser creativos al compartir las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo. Espero con entusiasmo reunirme, aprender y celebrar de maneras nuevas, profundas y creativas con ustedes en nuestra Conferencia Anual virtual 2021 en junio.  

In Service/En servicio, 

Rev. Mickey T. McCandless 
Conference Secretary/Secretario de la Conferencia

PDF in Spanish
PDF in English

Fresh Expressions Through a Wesleyan Lens


So many churches have had to slow down the ways to reach new people in the last 9 months and yet…SO MANY OF YOU have continued to be innovative and bold in reaching out.   I celebrate how brave many of you have been!  

I also know that this past year has wreaked havoc on many of our Fresh Expressions and plans on continuing to reach new people, so I am excited about this 9 month course (February – October 2021) that Discipleship Ministries and Fresh Expressions (US and United Kingdom) are offering.  

This course is for church teams (clergy and laity or laity alone) to deepen planning, and executing those plans even in this time of uncertainty!  

The course includes some video learning, cohort discussion, and group coaching.  The total cost of the course is $300, but if you register a team, the office of Creating and Vitalizing Congregations and Developing Leaders will reimburse the church $200.  

You can find more information at

And you can register for one of the 3 Informational sessions.  The training begins Feb. 2021.

After you have attended one of the information sessions, let me know if you are interested in registering for the course! Please contact me at

God’s peace,

Rev. Karen Horan – Rio Texas Conference

Creating/ Vitalizing Congregations and Developing Leaders

From the Rio Texas Cabinet: Encouraging diligence through rise of Covid-19 cases

From the Rio Texas Cabinet: Encouraging diligence through rise of Covid-19 cases

Since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, the people of the Rio Texas Conference have worked to share ministry in ways that protect the health of all the people in our communities, especially the most vulnerable. We are proud of your creativity, and we know it is easy to grow weary. Now, as many churches have returned to in-person worship, and the number of new COVID-19 cases begins to rise, we write to encourage your continued safe practices.

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Where Does the Money Go? AND Health Insurance & You

Where Does the Money Go? AND Health Insurance & You

Rev. Kendall Waller, Director of Administrative Ministries, along with Debbie Steinbach, Chair of Finance Table, and Adria Gomez, Comptroller, will present the 2021 annual conference budget with time for questions and answers.

This will be followed by Isabel Munoz, Associate Director of Human Resources and Benefits, leading an informational presentation on the changes to next year’s health care options for clergy, family, and lay employees. This is a great workshop for Finance and S/PPRC chairs so that churches will be prepared for their 2021 budget.

Read More

A Conversation on Racism

Join Bishop Schnase as he welcomes Bishop Tracy Smith Malone to a live online conversation about racism, especially as it is manifested in our work together as United Methodists. Bishop Malone served as a pastor and District Superintendent in the Northern Illinois Conference and is Bishop of the East Ohio Conference. She and Bishop Schnase will explore what is helpful in identifying and dismantling racism in conference operations and practices, and what simply does not work. What do we need to learn? What is the best approach for bringing change that makes a difference?

Wednesday, September 16, 10:00 a.m.
Register HERE


Bishop Tracy S. Malone is the resident bishop of the East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church. She provides spiritual oversight; shares in equipping, teaching and encouraging mission, outreach, witness and service; and serves as a shepherd of the church in providing a prophetic witness of justice, mercy and unity.

Malone serves on the Boards of Trustees at the United Methodist-affiliated colleges, seminaries and organizations in East Ohio. She also is currently the president of the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, the secretary of the Council of Bishops, and is a member of the Board of Trustees of Africa University.

Malone has a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and Sociology, with a minor in Computer Science, from North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. She holds a Master of Divinity from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois, and earned her Doctorate of Ministry from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.

Malone grew up in The United Methodist Church and accepted her call to ministry at the early age of 13. She and her husband Derrick are the parents of two daughters.

Warming hearts at Texas State University!

by Rev. Todd Salmi, United Campus Ministry at Texas State

For more than 90 years, the United Campus Ministry at Texas State has partnered with The United Methodist Church to welcome all students in the love and grace of Jesus Christ. With a diverse school enrollment of over 39,000 students, including 40% first-generation in college, the UCM cares for individual students, creates disciples, and serves our neighbors in the name of Jesus. 

If you know a student at Texas State, or want to make a positive impact with emerging young adult leaders of the church, please contact Todd Salmi ( and visit You can also find us on Instagram which is our main social media account:

The United Campus Ministry at Texas State is a mission of the Río Texas UMC and connected to the Wesley college ministry network.

UCM Texas State - Wesley.png

Appointments Booklet


In a normal year, the lay and clergy members of the Rio Texas Annual Conference would have ended our conference session in June with our bishop setting the pastoral appointments for the coming year. Each delegate would have received a printed Appointment Book, which would then be reprinted in that year's conference journal. While this year we were not able to meet, Bishop Schnase has still made appointments! Please find attached the list of Rio Texas appointments, which became effective July 1, 2020.

2020 Appointment Booklet

Project Transformation - Adapting, Growing, & Moving

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The Rio Texas Conference and Project Transformation would like to share an important update. This summer, Project Transformation (PT) will be moving out of the conference office and into a new facility. Details about this move can be found in the update written by Kercida McClain below. The ministry of PT is a blessing for the college interns who teach and lead grade-school students, for the churches, and volunteers, and donors that make PT possible.  We look forward to our continued work with Kercida McClain and the team that works with Project Transformation.

Robert Schnase, Bishop
Rio Texas Conference

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Grape Juice
An Update on Project Transformation Housing and Home

The long and short of it is that Project Transformation will have a fabulous new home by the end of June.

The details: PT has completely re-modified its summer 2020 program to be virtual out of love for all those we work with and beside. That means no interns living in the community this summer. The good news is that as we hit the typical speed bumps of construction, we are no longer on a compressed time table and everything is still being completed meeting high expectations and code requirements. The building looks fabulous. The transformation is remarkable.

The Capital Campaign that had just begun has been paused in light of people needing to support much more basic needs in the crisis. The good news is that gap funding had already been secured from TMF and it is being used and is enough. The generosity of the Las Misiones District and the Coker UMC Foundation got everything rolling and TMF will sustain us until we ramp the Capital Campaign back up in the fall.

PT has also had the privilege during COVID to stand in the gap for St. Marks’ neighbors needing food. When the church needed to close during COVID, so did the food pantry. PT kept serving those neighbors and that allowed us to get to meet and interact with our neighbors. Our presence on the campus has meant activity and interaction when things would have been very quiet otherwise.

Our immediate plan is to relocate the PT offices into two rooms in the Housing building so as to not have an amazing building sit empty and to continue the work anchoring in the neighborhood that began this spring. The goal is still for the Afterschool Fellow(s) to live there when it is safe to be back together physically and of course we are looking toward a full building next summer. PT is still planning to welcome guests visiting our community by offering low cost accommodations as they serve in our area.

We can’t wait to throw the doors open wide and celebrate this facility and all the potential it holds. Thank you for your partnership with us and so many yet to come.

Kercida McClain
Donor. Volunteer. CEO.
Project Transformation Rio Texas

Click here to see some pictures!

COVID-19 Check-In Survey is Now Open!

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During the COIVD-19 pandemic, churches throughout the Rio Texas Conference have used their passion for ministry to find creative ways of serving their communities. It has been a privilege to witness countless acts of love and grace during this difficult time. Thank you for all the hard work each of you has done. 

Our conference and district staff are seeking positive ways to support you in this important work. At the link below, you will find a survey where you can share your experiences from this time and questions going forward. The survey is informal and quick.  

We are inviting both clergy and lay leaders to complete this survey. It is okay if multiple clergy or lay leaders from one church complete the survey, but each person should only participate one time. If you have any technical concerns about the survey, please contact Jozlin Parker through the form on THIS web page.  

We look forward to hearing from you and to continuing fruitful conversation and partnership. May God bless and inspire you in your ministry!