An Important Message from Emmaus & Chrysalis Community

This month the Rio Texas Emmaus & Chrysalis Community will celebrate its 1,839th Walk, 34th year of spiritual enrichment, and the development of Christian leaders in the church and community. 

The Rio Texas Emmaus & Chrysalis Community is an oddity in the international Emmaus community.  Not only are we one of the oldest Emmaus communities in existence, but we are the only regional community that acts as an umbrella or governing body for other communities.  In this structure, for the entirety of our existence, we have served as an intermediary between the Emmaus Ministries Office at the Upper Room International and the 30 Emmaus and Chrysalis groups in the Rio Texas region.

As with all organizations, there comes a time when we must step back and evaluate the health of the organization - structurally and financially.  Over the past two years, the Executive Committee of RTECC has bathed the Community in prayer, asked tough questions, made critical choices, and worked to create autonomy and health within the 30 groups. 

After much prayer, counsel, and careful examination of the financial impact RTECC has and would have had on the groups, on April 15, 2016, the Executive Committee made the voluntary decision to dissolve.  This dissolution will include a transition period in which the Executive Committee is committed to walk alongside the Rio Texas Emmaus and Chrysalis groups to support their emergence as healthy, viable, independent communities.

We believe that this will be a positive step forward for the Emmaus and Chrysalis community. Thousands of lives have been transformed by God's grace through the Emmaus and Chrysalis movementand we believe God will continue to transform thousands more.

De Colores,
Heather Adair, Lay Director, Rio Texas Emmaus & Chrysalis Community