In Mission Together
In Mission Together (IMT) is a global partnership network available to equip your conference, district or church for transformational partnerships in mission in the US and around the world. To see more, click here
As an initiative of the General Board of Global Ministries, the Outreach Vitality office is working to establish the 50/50 Partnership process as a foundational learning platform offered to local churches in the districts. The traditional approach to mission is often needs-based, short term relief. The new vision of partnership embraces asset-based long-term development!
To learn more about the commitment and sacred covenant to participate equally as the body of Christ by utilizing everyone's skills and resources, click here
The mark of outreach vitality is seeing clergy, laity, and congregations mobilized and equipped to transform communities and the world through missional opportunities and engagement.
The 2016 Annual Conference experienced the In Mission Together teaching and conversation presented by Patrick Friday, IMT Director for the General Board of Global Ministries. We will soon have this message available for you to view. Click here [coming soon].
For those who attended annual conference and as you view the video:
- How might we capture a picture of our future as God’s agents, ambassadors, and partners in Misseo Dei – God’s mission?
- To go and be where God is already at work and where we have perhaps yet to go?
- To continue in our faithful immediate responses to needs at home and abroad - while harnessing our energies, talents, learnings, and endeavors for increasing and deepening our transformational presence in the communities where we live, work, worship, and play?
- What might it look like if In Mission Together were to become our foundational approach in all that we do?
- What if In Mission Together became our new baseline for outreach ministries and mission partnerships?
- How might this lead to the ordering of resources coming out of our mutual relationships and lead us to see God’s abundance as we have yet to see?
The In Mission Together approach is a gift and a window of opportunity for such a times as this. You are invited to take up this banner and move now into a new season of building relationships in the long-term and see how the Spirit may lead us into the future. You are invited to become co-learners and practitioners in this Holy work.
The Transforming Communities Vision Team has begun a process on how to resource our churches in connecting with the In Mission Together process as a foundational approach to our outreach ministries and mission partnerships locally and globally or GLOCAL. A starting place is to use the 50-50 Partnership –Covenant as a starter template related to your context of ministry - partnership engagement for reflection.
As we respond to this new paradigm of partnership across the Rio Texas Conference –
- Where might we see In Mission Together Communities of Practice emerge?
- Where might Best Practices and IMT ministry models emerge as learning and reference places for those considering this new paradigm?
- What great stories might be told out of the transforming relationships fostered by the In Mission Together process?
- How might In Mission Together become a strategic process within districts and churches that creates opportunities for mutual learning and Kingdom Building development on an on-going basis?
The 50-50 IMT Partnership Covenant Core Values Resource List, (for resources click here,) offers a listing of learning resources reflecting the 5 Core Values of the 50-50 IMT Partnership Covenant:
1.) Church Planting
2.) Spiritual Formation
3.) Community Development
4.) Communication through Social Networking
5.) Prevent Dependency, Promote Self-Sufficiency
Below is a preview of the various resources listed.
For more information on how to get started: contact the
Mission Vitality Center at or 210.408.4514
for information on how to do so.
Recommended resources for In Mission Together:
Building Communities From the Inside Out: Mobilizing a Communities Assets
This guide summarizes lessons learned by studying successful community-building initiatives in hundreds of neighborhoods across the U.S. It outlines what local communities can do to start their own journeys down the path of asset-based development.
The Power of Asset Mapping: How Your Congregation Can Act on Its Gifts
Asset mapping isn't a new system or theory. It's a way of thinking, a doorway into an "open-sum" perspective rooted in the Bible and common experience. The Power of Asset Mapping, by long-time community developer Luther K. Snow, shows congregational leaders how to help a group recognize its assets and the abundance of God's gifts and to act on them in ministry and mission. Leaders can begin with the tested Quick and Simple Asset Mapping Experience to strengthen and inspire any group in the congregation in as little as an hour. Further tips, techniques, stories, and lessons drawn from the experience of diverse congregations will help readers discover how asset mapping works.
Consensus Organizing: A Community Development Workbook
A person doesn't have to be a consensus organizer to think like one. Consensus Organizing: A Community Development Workbook―A Comprehensive Guide to Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Community Change Initiatives helps students and practitioners begin to think like consensus organizers and incorporate this way of strategic thinking into their lives and their work. Through a wide range of exercises, role-play activities, case scenarios, and discussion questions, this workbook presents the conceptual framework for consensus organizing and provides a practical and experiential approach to understanding and applying consensus organizing to address a range of issues.