Disaster Response Leaders Begin Planning Response to Harvey
/Disaster Response leadership meets via teleconference with district and conference officials
Rio Texas Disaster Response leadership met today via teleconference with the district superintendents of impacted districts, conference staff, and Robert Schnase, Bishop of the Rio Texas Conference. Although reports are only beginning to come in from the hardest hit areas, they are beginning to form a picture of what the needs will be over the next days, weeks and months.
Teams are already moving supplies from storage in Kerrville and are staging them in San Antonio. Three trailers full of supplies have been moved including 450 buckets, 400 hygiene kits, and 400 blankets. They will be moved into appropriate areas where and when they are needed.
If you are ERT Certified, now is the time to sign up as an individual or a team. All certified ERTs will likely be needed. It is anticipated that teams will be deployed by early next week, so now is the time to get prepared. Disaster response needs and call outs will be communicated via email and on the Disaster Response Facebook page.
Volunteers load flood buckets into trailers at the disaster response warehouse in Kerrville.
You can register as an individual or a team through the links below:
ERT Volunteer Team Registration
Individual and Small Group ERT Signup
If your training has expired, now is a good time to go on the Conference website and complete the online renewal training.
If you are not yet certified, there is an ERT Training scheduled for Saturday, September 2 in San Antonio
Early Response Team Training Registration
Currently, there is no need for supplies. Please do not send clothes, food, or other supplies. Also, do not go to affected areas on your own. Wait for further information from your Disaster Response Team.
The biggest need at this time is for financial gifts. You can give online here. If you are a member of Rio Texas church, you may choose to add your individual gift to your church's overall giving to the fund, please check the box on the online donation form.