Greetings we are excited to announce an Advanced Lay Servant Class for the Rio Texas Conference.
Life Together in the United Methodist Connection
This class will be a Virtual Zoom course Saturday February 26, 2022 from 8:30 am to 5 pm.
Register on Eventbrite
Life Together in the United Methodist Connection is an advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries that gives participants an overview of the structure and organization of The United Methodist Church. The course is arranged in five two-hour sessions with short devotionals at the beginning of each session intended to ground class instruction and discussion in scripture. Life Together in the United Methodist Connection is required for Lay Servants who wish to become certified Lay Speakers and an excellent resource for any small-group desiring a greater understanding of how United Methodists are related to one another both at home and around the world.
Register today on EventBrite.
This Course is a required course for those Lay Servants who wish to become certified Lay Speakers.
The required text are:
Warner, Laceye C: The Method of Our Mission (or a later version, if available).
Abingdon, 2014.
Amazon link
Cokesbury link:
The United Methodist Book of Discipline, in the latest version available. (you should be able to borrow a copy of this from your church)