The Transformational Communities Network program, formerly Transformational Communities of Praxis, is requesting Team Applications for the 2021 program cohort. Learn about the program via online Information Sessions as you consider submitting a team application.
The program is designed for a church and community resident team to begin the process or go deeper in the application of community development with the end goal in mind of effecting measurable transformation within a given community. It is hoped that through this program, models of ministries applying community development principles and processes will emerge to serve as reference points and even teaching centers of spiritual transformation within the church and community.
The program’s Vision is to see Transformational Communities, made up of local churches and community residents and partners, actively seeking shalom through learning, relationship-building, community development, and mutual support. Its Mission is to build a network of transformational communities by equipping locally imbedded leaders with training and ongoing support for the work of shalom.
Over a one-year period, participants will gain training, knowledge, and experience in the application of a theology of Shalom, asset-based community development [ABCD], facilitation techniques, action planning and application, identifying underlying contradictions and challenges within communities, while deepening their understanding of God’s will for their community.
Training will be presented in an online format. Training includes online reflection conversations, and teaching webinar presentations. A member of the Transformational Communities Network Development Team is assigned to accompany each team on their transformational journey.