On September 29-30, 2017 FaithTrust Institute and InFaith Community Foundation are offering a groundbreaking training to infuse faith communities with the tools and knowledge they need to address domestic violence, child abuse and other forms of relationship violence. "Safe and Healthy Churches: Ending Family Violence" Training focuses on educating a team within each church community, to create a core leadership with a shared mission of preventing violence, supporting victims and holding perpetrators accountable.
This training has been offered regionally in several locations across the U.S. including Minneapolis, San Francisco, Chicago and Seattle. The 2017 training will be held in Austin, TX. The regional approach is part of an ongoing effort to create a broad-based response to the issues, and build an ecumenical network for education, training, support, and activism within and amongst the churches.
This two-day training, offered by InFaith Community Foundation and facilitated by FaithTrust Institute, is designed to help Christian pastors and lay leaders understand the dynamics of domestic and sexual violence and the ramifications of violence on individuals, the church and the community. It also equips churches to develop protocols to protect victims, prevent future harm, and respond effectively and sensitively to victims/survivors, their families, and abusers.
The training will also address issues particular to individuals serving in leadership roles, including four break-out sessions that focus on:
- Domestic Violence Response: Pastoral Care
- Child Abuse Prevention and Response
- Healthy Teen Relationships
Who should attend:
This training is for church teams of two-four people. Leaders such as a pastor, a youth or children's pastor, a lay leader from the church council, a Christian education leader and/or Sunday school teacher, and/or a parish nurse.
InFaith Community Foundation is generously covering all training expenses for attendees (including one night’s hotel) as a means to further individual Christian church responses to family violence, and also reinforce an ecumenical response within the region. Churches from Texas are invited to apply.
Online registration here
InFaith Community Foundation is a national charity with a mission to serve donors, spread joy, and change lives through charitable giving. To learn more, visit: www.InFaithFound.org .