“The Worship Design Studio LIVE! with Dr. Marcia McFee”
Saturday, January 21, 2017
University United Methodist Church
2409 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705
Register online at uumc.org or call the church office at 512-478-9387.
Space is limited.
Cost: $25 per person if registered before December 15th.
$35 per person after December 15th. Lunch is provided.
8:30 Registration and Coffee Fellowship
Session 1: Creating Worship with Deep Soul
In this session Marcia will introduce what she means by "M-M-Good" Worship and why this is the most exciting time in worship history to be planning worship - no matter the "style!"
Session 2: Think Like a Filmmaker
What can we learn from filmmakers that can inform our work in offering the greatest Story ever told in sensory-rich ways? Why do we need sensory-rich worship and how can we do it in large and small churches with small budgets and volunteers?
Lunch (provided)
Session 3: The Rhythms of Liturgy and Life & The Politics of Change
With lots of interactive music we will explore the various rhythms of worship vocabularies and why we benefit from utilizing a diversity of rhythms (AND why we get into "worship wars" and how to avoid it).
Session 4: "O Lord, Is it Sunday Already?!"
Worship planning can be relentless with Sunday coming EVERY week! We'll talk about planning substantive and vital worship without getting burned out, drawing on the model offered in Marcia's Worship Design Studio