“For i know the plans i have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” jeremiah 29:11

By nature of our baptism, we are all called into ministry. We are incorporated into the Body of Christ, where we are to utilize our God given gifts and talents for the furtherance of the Gospel and God’s kingdom. It is within the community of faith that persons are identified as having gifts for set apart ministry to lead and provide spiritual nurture to the Body of Christ and be bridge builders between the church and the world. A call to set apart ministry involves a discernment process in which a person not only senses a call from God, but is also affirmed in that call by the Body of Christ. 
If you are sensing God calling you to the set apart ministries of Elder, Deacon or Licensed Local Pastor within the Rio Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, begin by taking these next steps in your discernment process: 

1) Contact your pastor or campus minister and discuss with them your sense of calling. 

2) Order the following resource to read and discuss with your pastor: The Christian as Minister available at www.cokesbury.com

3) Work towards completing Safe Ministry Certification available at https://riotexas.org/safesteps

4) Download the Candidate Formation Checklist at www.riotexas.org and begin working through the steps outlined there.  Candidacy is the first formal step toward ordination as a deacon or an elder or licensing in The United Methodist Church.

5) Prepare to attend a Candidacy Summit.

6) If you have any questions about the candidacy process or Candidacy Summit, feel free to contact the Rio Texas Vocational Discernment Coordinator, Rev. Adrienne Zermeno at azermeno@riotx.org

Candidacy Summit

July 7-8, 2025 at Mt. Wesley, Kerrville, TX

Candidacy Summit will happen this year as scheduled.  We will be conducting the event at Mt. Wesley, Kerrville, TX.  

All Applications must be submitted electronically to Eve Albert, evealbert@riotexas.org no later than June 7, 2025, NO EXCEPTIONSPLEASE NOTE: This includes approval from your District Superintendent via copy of signed Candidacy Summit application or via email sent directly to Eve Albert by your District Superintendent.   

The Rio Texas Conference is committed to providing a clear, consistent framework for discernment, formation and public affirmation for those exploring and discerning a call to licensed or ordained ministry. We call this Candidacy Formation.  At the heart of our Candidacy Formation process is the Candidacy Summit and Mentor Groups.   The Candidacy Summit is a 28-32 hour retreat which all candidates for licensed and ordained ministry must attend. The Summit is offered ONE time a year, in July

During this Summit you will receive accurate information about the Candidate Formation Process; begin meeting together with Mentor Groups led by trained Candidacy Mentors; worship together; participate in an Orientation to Ministry (¶ 312) to learn about the varieties of set apart ministry (deacon, elder, licensed local pastor); meet Rio Texas leadership; set up future meeting dates with your Mentor Groups; and take optional Psychological testing, required for all pursuing Candidacy certification. You will meet with your mentor groups four more times after the Summit, if you are ready to move to the next stage of Candidacy you will be invited to interview with the District Committee of Ordained Ministry (in Spring) for consideration to become a certified candidate.

Candidacy Summit Schedule  
Day 1                                                                                                 
 9:15   am   Check-in at Nutrition Center (Mt. Wesley)                                                                     
10:00 am   Opening Worship                                                            
11:00 am    Overview the Candidacy Process                               
12:00 pm   Lunch with District Leaders (Nutrition Center at Mt. Wesley)                        
 1:15 pm     Orientation to Ministry                                                     
 2:45 pm   Break                                                                                 
 3:00 pm   Meet with Mentor Group
 4:00 pm   Individual Guided Reflection
 5:00 pm   Dinner - Nutrition Center at Mt. Wesley
 7:00 pm   Meet with Mentor Groups
Day 2
7:30am Breakfast - Nutrition Center - Mt. Wesley 8:30 am   Meet with Mentor Groups
10:30 am   Q & A and Final Instructions
11:15 am    Closing Devotional
12:30 pm   Lunch Break - Nutrition Center at Mt. Wesley
1:30 pm     Optional Psychological Testing (~2-4 hours)

Upcoming Candidacy Summit Dates

  • July 7-8, 2025 Mt. Wesley, Kerrville, TX

2025 Candidacy Summit Application

Please print, fill out, and bring these forms with you to the Candidacy Summit:

The purpose of Sexual Ethics Training and Safe Gatherings/Safe MinistryTraining is to ensure that our churches are safe places for all of God's children and to provide our churches with leadership who help set that culture of safety. Thank you for taking the time to learn and adopt these practices, as a part of the Rio Texas family.