United Methodists in Rio Texas Facebook Group Guidelines
The United Methodists in Rio Texas Facebook Group is a public group made up of United Methodists and others in the Rio Texas Annual Conference and beyond. The original purpose of this group was to share news, events, stories and ideas for Rio Texas Churches. This group has become, mainly, a debate forum focused on human sexuality and Israel.
This is now a moderated group. You are welcome to post, comment and share following the guidelines below. Posts and comments that do not fit within the guidelines will be removed.
These guidelines are designed to create a safe place. While they do place limits on content, they should not be conceived as any sort of limit of free speech. There are plenty of venues on Facebook and across the internet to voice opinions and discuss other topics. This particular group has some specific guardrails.
Here are the guidelines:
1. Stay on Topic - Posts must be related to the United Methodist Church or local churches in some way.
2. Be Nice - All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal comments are strictly prohibited. If abusive language appears in the comments of a post, the moderator may chose to delete the entire post. Members who post defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal comments may be removed from the group.
3. Be open minded and graceful. Not every event or post may appeal to you. You may find a topic that does not align with your theology or point of view. As long as it doesn’t violate our guidelines and it is on topic it will remain. If an event or topic does not interest you, scroll past.
3. No Trolling - “Trolling” is posting deliberately disruptive statements meant to hijack comment threads or throw discussions off-track.