Rio Texas Annual Conference

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COVID-19 Check-In Survey is Now Open!

During the COIVD-19 pandemic, churches throughout the Rio Texas Conference have used their passion for ministry to find creative ways of serving their communities. It has been a privilege to witness countless acts of love and grace during this difficult time. Thank you for all the hard work each of you has done. 

Our conference and district staff are seeking positive ways to support you in this important work. At the link below, you will find a survey where you can share your experiences from this time and questions going forward. The survey is informal and quick.  

We are inviting both clergy and lay leaders to complete this survey. It is okay if multiple clergy or lay leaders from one church complete the survey, but each person should only participate one time. If you have any technical concerns about the survey, please contact Jozlin Parker through the form on THIS web page.  

We look forward to hearing from you and to continuing fruitful conversation and partnership. May God bless and inspire you in your ministry!