Rio Texas Annual Conference

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APPLY NOW: Transformational Communities of Praxis program seeking 4 Teams for 2020

Through continued funding support from Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc., The Mission Field Ministries – Mission, Service, & Justice Office and the Transforming Communities Vision Team is requesting applications from church and community resident teams for the Transformational Communities of Praxis [TCOP] 2020 program.

Applications are now being received for the 4th Praxis class. The program is looking for church and community resident teams to participate in this program of learning processes in Asset-Based Community Development [ABCD]. Class size is limited to four teams.

Over a one-year period, participants will gain training, knowledge, and application of asset-based community development ABCD process and methods, facilitation techniques, action planning and application, identifying underlying contradictions and challenges within communities, and the understanding of Missio Dei – the mission or sending of God.  

Learning Session content is based on the biblical basis of SHALOM [Jeremiah 29:7] and the United Methodist Church’s Communities of SHALOM framework that seeks to apply long-term holistic and sustainable change approaches to community development.  

The Transformational Communities of Praxis program is designed for a 5 – person church and community resident ministry team to begin the process or go deeper in the application of community development processes with the end goal in mind of effecting measurable transformation within a given community. It is hoped that through this program, models of ministries applying community development principles and processes will emerge to serve as reference points and even teaching centers of spiritual transformation within the church and community.

The Ministry Team application deadline is January 8, 2020.

Click here to download PROGRAM INFORMATION

Click here to download APPLICATION FORM

For more information or questions, contact the Mission Field Ministries – Mission, Service, & Justice Office at 210.408.4514 or /  Teams accepted into the program will receive notice by January 17, 2020.