Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Mommy Station at Annual Conference 2017

The 2017 Rio Texas Annual Conference Hospitality Team is proud to announce that our June session will be baby friendly! We are still offering great child care at First UMC, Corpus, but sometimes very little ones do better closer to family. Babies are cute, portable and unlikely to run away, making them perfect attendees during plenary sessions. To make things more comfortable for Rio Texas babies and the moms, dads, and others caring for them, the Hospitality Team is planning a couple of upgrades. 

One is the addition of rocking chairs in the back of the plenary hall. We may have to post bouncers to make sure the chairs do not become napping spots for big people, but hopefully this will be a spot where little ones can be comforted and encouraged to chill out.

A second change is an upgrade to the station provided last year in a separate room for nursing moms. This year the Mommy Station will be located in the plenary hall itself, to allow for more convenience and the ability for moms to still hear the action. The station will include comfortable seating, a microwave and refrigerator. 

Sometimes babies have just had it with conference and need to take a walk outside. (Don't we all?) But while they're in session, we want to make their presence as easy as possible. Your Hospitality Team looks forward to greeting both babies and attendees of all ages on June 7 in Corpus Christi!