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Our goal is to share God's love as we go out to serve in God's name!
Mission Service Project (MSP) is a week-long Senior High youth mission week based on sharing God's unconditional love as we share our God given gifts with others in our community.
MSP is a ministry of the El Valle District of the Rio Texas Conference in South Texas.
1. Planned and coordinated Christ-centered mission experience
2. Local host church, meals, snacks and t-shirt
3. Mission experience site, materials and coordination (building and/or other)
4. Daily Devotion Guide – specific to the weeks activities
1. One to three teams with 8-10 Senior High youth (entering 9th grade - graduating12th grade) and at least 2-3 adults (depending on group size).
2. Your transportation to Host Church and to mission experience each day
3. $250 per person Mission Participation Fee (total per person)
4. We go into mission as “construction team.” You will need your own tools and ladders. Other simple “tools” may be needed depending on mission experience. You will be notified.
5. Completed Team Application and Team Commitment Questions, ALL individual missioner’s/ person’s paperwork, including insurance for each team member. Additionally, for adult leaders (18 and older) the Supervision and Care of Youth and Children/Child Protection/Safe Sanctuaries Training Certificate and evidence of approved Background Checks.
Important Dates for Deposits / Fees / Paperwork
____DUE MAY 2: $50 per Missioner/Person DEPOSIT and TEAM APPLICATION
AFTER MAY 2: $75 per Missioner/Person*
____DUE MAY 16: Finalized t-shirt sizes & count (order goes in this date)
**Team / Participant deposit, no longer refundable
____DUE MAY 30: $200.00 per Missioner/Person PARTICIPATION FEE (non-refundable) AND COMPLETED PAPERWORK
**NO ADDITIONS after May 30.
El Valle District of the UMC
Mail: c/o Susan Hellums; 4200 N. McColl Road; McAllen, TX 78504