In Mission Together – Learning Conference
Saturday, April 16th
First UMC Corpus Christi
Program will focus on poverty, homelessness, and the IMT partnership model with featured national and local speakers leading learning conference participants in IMT conversations.
This event will enhance your local church mission team projects and outreach ministries.
Register now –
· Special promotional rates - Includes meals and refreshments – now $49
· Student Rate $19
Contact Leenette Wilke, or 501 749-3689, for more details. For Conference Registration, use the link below:
Corpus Christi:
The traditional approach to mission is often needs-based, short-term relief, but this new vision of partnership embraces asset-based, long-term development. Partners commit to one another through an IMT 50/50 Partnership Covenant. It’s a sacred covenant to participate equally, 50/50, as the body of Christ by utilizing everyone’s skills and resources. A 50/50 framework prevents dependency and fosters self-sufficiency. These principles address systemic issues rather than treating symptoms.
IMT is GLOCAL (both global and local) and equips you with core values that are cross-culturally appropriate for variety of contexts whether in the US or around the world. We have a team of IMT Partnership Coordinators ready to assist you with training and resources to develop a 50/50 partnership within your community or another country.
One example of how the 50/50 covenant is changing hearts and minds is through our collaboration with church leaders across the world to plant new communities of faith. These Mission Initiatives are unique in many ways, but mostly because they are places where The United Methodist Church is new to the population. You can partner with a church in a Mission Initiative country through the IMT Partnership Program.