Rio Texas Conference planning team has completed their internal audit of their needs for ministry booths. Beginning with the posting of this letter on the webpage, Rio Texas Conference embedded ministries and direct ministry relationship ministries may submit an application for a 10X10 booth.

AC2025 is limited to 15 10X10 booths available. All booths will have a table, 2 chairs and a low divider between booths for space definition. There will be access to electricity at each booth. Given the limited amount of booth space available when all of the spaces have been requested and assigned the application phase will end.

The cost of a 10X10 booth is $150

Booths will be available for engaging the delegates and visitors from 12 Noon-5pm Wednesday, June 11, 8am – 5pm Thursday, June 12 and 8am – 5pm Friday, June 13.

Booth set up is from 10am-12 Noon Wednesday, June 11.

A link to the application is attached to this letter. Thank you for your interest in enhancing the ministry of the local churches within Rio Texas Conference.


Registration is easy! The first step is to fill out the Ministry Group Booth application form to reserve a booth space at this year’s Annual Conference. 

Next, submit the application either by email to George Ballard at or by mailing it to the Conference office. All applications will be reviewed by conference staff to verify that your request follows our AC Ministry Group Booth Guidelines (see below).  

Finally, you must mail in your payment for the booth fee, so it is received by the Conference Office by the deadline.  This will guarantee that you will have a reserved space for your Ministry Group. 

Payments must be in the form of a check, which is Payable to: Treasurer, Rio Texas Conference and both a copy of the completed application and the payment need to be mailed to the address below to meet the deadline listed. 

Rio Texas Conference
Attn: Treasurer
16400 Huebner Rd
San Antonio, TX 78248

Deadline for applications and payments to be received by the Conference Office is
NO Later than April 18, 2025

If you have any questions, please use the contact form found on THIS page to contact George Ballard.

Ministry Group Guidelines

Annual Conference will be held at the American Bank Center at 1901 N Shoreline Blvd. in Corpus Christi. The Annual Conference begins in the evening on Wednesday and ends on Saturday afternoon.

Displays will be open:

  • Wednesday, June 11 from 12 pm noon – 5:00 pm

  • Thursday, June 12 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

  • Friday, June 13 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

The display area is not open in the evening. All groups must be out by Friday evening. Security is provided during the time the display area is closed, but the Conference accepts no liability for anything left in the display area.

Booth exhibit space is provided at Annual Conference for Ministry Groups, where goods and services, within the tradition of The United Methodist Church, may be displayed and shared. These goods and services are to promote the life and ministry of the church. In an effort to accomplish that goal, the following guidelines have been established. The Annual Conference is a time of God’s affirmation and reunion. We reserve the right, through our representatives, to deny or to close any display or booth.

Ministry Organizations consist of groups that represent or support ministries of The United Methodist Church general agencies, Rio Texas Conference, Districts, or local congregations. Participating groups offering/displaying materials CANNOT contain any profanity, nudity, or alcohol-related products. You may set up your display on Wednesday between the hours of 10:00 AM and noon. Displays will open on Wednesday at noon. No one may begin setting up before 10:00 a.m. without prior approval. Removal of your display should be completed by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, June 13. Approval through the offices of the Area Bishop and Conference Secretary must happen before space will be provided.

All Ministry Group Exhibitors must complete the application by clicking on the link below, in order to reserve space at the 2025 Annual Conference.