Re-start Church “Experiment” Begins
Rio Texas Conference had 9 churches who had a unique experience in 2023: they entered disaffiliation discernment, voted, more than 50% voted to leave (and most have actually left), but they did not reach the 67% and remained United Methodist (one more church joins this group in 2024).
These 9 churches were invited to join in a Re-start Experiment. They gathered in-person to begin learning about what the experiment offers: learning about neighboring and new church start techniques, outreach, marketing, transforming community network, coaching, etc.
While many of these churches need immediate needs, this will be a three-year experiment with benchmarks that need to be met. We started our time on Saturday, January 13 and January 20 recognizing that God is doing a new thing, and we need eyes to see and the courage to join God’s work.
Rev. Kendall Waller, Rev. Ray Altman, Abel Vega, and Rev. Bob Clark joined me, Karen Horan, to pray and teach and offer coaching as we kicked off this experiment. Join in praying for this experiment and these churches in this unique situation: FUMC Elgin, Bee Creek UMC, La Trinidad Laredo, FUMC Mason, FUMC Hilda, Island in the Son, FUMC Devine, Bethany Austin, St. Luke San Angelo, and in 2024 La Vernia UMC.