San Antonio UMC's Engage In Collaborative Ministry
The work of unification in the Rio Texas Conference continues as lay leaders from a cluster of churches within the Las Missiones District, known by the district as the University/Colonial Hills Forum in San Antonio, engaged in collaborative ministry to build each other up in prayer and active ministry. Lay representatives from University, El Divino Salvador, Emanuel, and Jefferson, along with a clergy representative from Colonial Hills, brainstormed ideas for how to support one another's emerging ministries.These ministries include Colonial Hills' monthly contemporary Communion service (next one: October 25), Trunk or Treat at Emanuel on October 31, University's Shindig (Fall Festival) on October 24, Jefferson's Northpole Village community event on December 13, and El Divino Salvador's monthly garage sale (next one: November 21).
We prayerfully hope that as you read about this collaborative effort, that you prayerfully consider contacting one or more of these churches to assist with these great ministry opportunities. We also encourage you to contact Colonial Hills UMC if you would like to engage in collaborative ministry with this forum or with a cluster of churches near you!
This article was written by Joe Tognetti, Colonial Hills UMC Associate Pastor