Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Leadership Development & Clergy Excellence - Learn and Lead Together

Leadership Development and Clergy Excellence is always a high priority in Rio Texas. 

To that end, the Office of Clergy Excellence, now directed by Rev. Dr. Robert Lopez, and the office of Creating / Vitalizing Congregations and Developing Leaders, directed by Rev. Karen Horan, want to offer some incentives for clergy and laity to learn and lead together

There are several Leadership conferences offered in the fall of 2021 both in person and online - Robert Lopez and Karen Horan have already registered for Leadership Institute in September and would love for you to join them! Also in the past, some have attended conferences such as Leadership Institute, Exponential Regional Houston, and New Room just to name a few. Our combined offices can offer up to $75 for each clergy who attends and up to $75 each for 2 laity when they attend with their pastor. 

Here is how it works – clergy and up to 2 laity register and pay for the Leadership Conference of their choice.  Click on the registration link and fill out the formone form per receipt and we will mail the reimbursement amount as directed. That’s all!  There will be some follow up questions sent to you after the event so we can hear what all you learned and how it will strengthen you and your church. 

Contact either Karen Horan ( or Robert Lopez (