Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Thank You from Kendall Waller & the Rio Texas Annual Conference

 Dear Friends from the Rio Texas Annual Conference:

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. I wanted to take the time to write to all of you to say THANK YOU. Usually, I have the opportunity to address the conference at our annual gathering in Corpus Christi. Since we are doing everything a little differently this year, I thought I would write instead.

We truly have run out of appropriate language to describe the year that 2020 has become. Certainly, there have been challenges and I think that most of us could agree that who we are and what we do as a church is different now than it was six months ago. And yet at the same time, many more things are much the same.

The world needs the gospel. We need to hear that we are important to God, that God cares for each one of us, and that God is with us. We need hope, not just proclaimed in words, but made concrete and knowable through actions. In the past months, I have seen our churches feeding people in our parking lots, delivering meals, creating caravans to pray for members and folks in the community, put together thank you demonstrations for first responders, marching for justice, and so much more. Gale and I are delivering food for the SA food pantry, donating fans for the heat, and school supplies for those who cannot get their own, and yet we are daily in awe of the extravagant generosity of all of you with whom we share ministry. You have been an inspiration not only to us but to so many more.

It has been said that, “nothing works like the local church when the local church is working.” You have been the embodiment of this. During this time, we have learned again if there was ever a question that our work is “essential.” I have admired the resilience, creativity, and faith that have characterized our response to the pandemic and disruption of this last year. I have worshipped in parking lots, online streaming, and Facebook. I have witnessed zoom classes, at-home digital VBS, and some parking lot Bible studies. I have heard from folks who had a mobile prayer team lifting them up in prayer from their front lawn. And I have taken communion with an online community, in a drive-through parking lot offering, and in a blessed baggy. What amazing times we live in! Who would have thought!

Several folks have asked how the conference is faring and how apportionments are going. At this time we are about 4% below our previous year’s giving. It’s not every year you will hear your conference treasurer celebrating a 4% decrease, but this year is different. When I meet with other conference treasurers who have seen drops of 20-40% in giving, I count my blessings and lift up the exceeding generosity of the Rio Texas Annual Conference. And I know from many of you who called that you intend to do even more as we approach the end of the year.

Not only are we continuing to give to connectional ministries, but we continue to offer help and hope in the aftermath of a disaster. As we finish our work with our Harvey team, we are sending flood buckets and volunteers into the valley to help with clean up from Hanna. Wherever there is a need we are there. And as someone recently reminded me, “The Methodists are there long after the cameras have moved on.” 

Last week my devotional reading included these words from II Corinthians 8:1-5. “And now, brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the grace that God has given to the Macedonian churches. In the midst of a severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people.” As I read these words, I thought of all of you. 

I pray for each of you and for your ministries every day. I give thanks for the work and commitment that you share and for your generosity in your community and with the greater church. And I say again from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. God is Good!

Kendall Waller