With some churches having both in-person and on-line worship, it is easy to get overwhelmed! This zoom meeting is bringing together some professionals in the field of how to do sound, visuals/camera, digital community building, and building an "on-line worship team" to do Hybrid church well! There will be direct teaching via Rev. Karen Horan and the panelists / professionals as well as two opportunities to meet in break out rooms to learn more detailed information and ask questions.
Registration will open July 1 on Eventbrite, so gather a team from your church to participate. There will be a small fee of $10 per person.
Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/re-launch-20-hybrid-church-done-well-registration-110864649150
If you have any questions, contact Nicole Alabi, Administrative Assistant for Project Development, Implementation, and Support, at (210) 408-4515 or nicolea@riotexas.org.