Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Student Ministry Intern

First United Methodist Church Boerne Student Ministries is currently seeking two applicants for Full Time Summer Internships

Job Description:

Interns will work with Student Ministry staff and volunteers to plan and implement a full summer of programming including weekly Sunday morning Student Connection, Mission and Munch Mondays and Bible Study/Hangouts Wednesdays, occasional mission projects, a summer mission trip, and other activities. They will assist in planning future activities for students 5th through 12th grade and will work with leadership in creating new ways to reach students, help them form bonds, guide them on their faith journey and teach them to be disciples both inside and outside the church walls.


• At least two years out of high school
• Strong faith in Jesus Christ and regular involvement in ministry/church
• Passion for reaching teenagers and available to meet them where they are
• Strong communication skills (social media skills a plus)
• Ability to work in a team environment
• Willing to be spontaneous and fully participate in student activities

Ideal Candidates Will Possess:

• Experience leading student and/or adult worship
• Willingness to assist in starting and supporting a student-led worship team
• Interest in a career in some aspect of Christian ministry
• Strong leadership and organizational skills


• Participation in weekly Student Ministry planning meetings
• Assist in leading and facilitating all items in the Job Description
• Challenge students towards a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ
• Willing to model the Christian life to students and set an example for future growth

Please send resume and cover letter to and also respond to the following:

1. Briefly describe your walk with Christ.
2. How are you currently involved in ministry and mission in the church?
3. What special gifts or skills do you have to offer to this ministry?
4. What areas are you looking to learn and grow in during this internship?
5. Why do you want to work with students this summer?