Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Youth Minister

Center for Youth Ministry Training 10010 Anderson Mill Road Austin TX.

Texas Regional Director

Need a Youth Minister? Already have a Youth Minister that would benefit from Theological Education? CYMT can help!

In today’s world, good youth ministry requires more than just games and guitars. For youth to experience a life-changing faith, they need an intentional community of teens and adults where they have a personal encounter with God, are encouraged to understand God’s purpose for their lives and find hope in the intersection of their story with God’s bigger story.

For this kind of youth ministry to happen, both youth workers and communities of faith need training. CYMT brings together communities of faith and youth ministers to create life-changing youth ministries through our Graduate Residency program.

CYMT offers two tracks. In CYMT’s Partner track a graduate residency in youth ministry is offered, where we place called, gifted youth ministers in communities of faith where they serve as the youth minister for three years while completing a Master of Arts in Youth Ministry.

CYMT’s Professional track is for communities of faith who already have a youth minister that would benefit from more practical training and theological education.

In both programs, we provide each community of faith and youth minister, a coach, a veteran youth minister, to walk alongside both the community of faith and youth minister to help develop an effective youth ministry. Over the past fourteen years, CYMT has trained over 100 youth ministers, allowing for the communities of faith they have served, or continue to serve, to experience significant transformation.

The Master’s degree is offered through a unique intensive-based curriculum format in partnership with Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. We are currently accepting applications for our Texas Regional Campus. CYMT is ecumenical. Applications will be accepted through February 1st space permitting.

For more information about your community of faith partnering with CYMT, please contact Teresa Kingsbury, CYMT’s Texas Regional Director at or (512) 960-2989. You can learn more about the CYMT Graduate Residency program at

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