Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Director of Youth Ministries

Broadmoor United Methodist Church ( in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is seeking a full-time Director of Children’s Ministries to join the team in the church’s mission to invite, equip, send, and serve. Broadmoor’s membership of 3900+, with 687 in worship, is in a time of reinvigoration and hope, and has a strong financial base. The congregation has a broad spectrum of theologies present and is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for all people to come, worship, and dialog together. The church’s greatest desire is to help children build a strong faith foundation that will guide them now and into adulthood.

Main responsibilities include implementing weekly, monthly, and annual children’s ministry programs, recruiting, developing and equipping a network of spiritually gifted coaches, leaders, mentors, and apprentices who can disciple people toward Christ-likeness, and form Christian relationships with children and their families.

Candidates must have a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent. A degree in religious studies or education is preferred. Two years of experience as program director of children’s ministry is required.

S/he will join the whole staff in living out the core competencies of mission, ownership, spiritual maturity, leadership development, initiative, interpersonal skills, creativity and innovation, self-development, and personal resilience.
Salary and benefits are competitive. Please submit a cover letter and resume by email to Kristina at