Call for such a time like this!
I welcome the biblical passage (Ester 4:14) our Conference Lay leader Ralph Thomson used in his address to the Rio Texas Annual Conference 2024. Mordecai mentioned to his niece that God will bring deliverance to His people. God will use her or anyone willing to do God’s will. It is a reminder that even when life gets in the way, and things do not work as we planned, God's faithfulness is here for all of us. Either I make room to listen and move as God moves in our communities, or he will continue to call others.
For me, the summer starts with the Rio Texas Annual Conference in June. This year we listened to God’s encouragement through the message of the Rio Texas Conference Youth Ministry Council (YMC) members. If you were absent, please listen to the 6-minute presentation. They invite us to keep listening to and mentoring them so that we can be present in their lives and spaces. They have fresh ideas, and they love God as we do. Later that evening, Pastor Marshall Van Pelt and youth coordinators Jennings More and Leslie Albrecht hosted YMC members, youth, and young adults for a devotional, fellowship time, and fun on the beach.
The first Rio Texas Conference Summer Camp started July 7 at Twin Oaks Ranch. The theme was “The Faithful Survivor”. Colonial Hills UMC and Las Misiones District Youth Coordinator Isabella Lopez invited multiple pastors and lay people to share different ways to pray. The youth learned from different people how to journal, pray with the psalm, and Lectio Divina in a fun and meaningful way. After each presentation, they practiced in small groups and shared feedback. This event was a learning opportunity to inspire the youth to invest in their spiritual life and make new friends across our Conference.
Under the leadership of Pastor Phillip Higginbotham, more youth gathered to be part of the second summer camp at Palacios, TX on July 12. The theme here was “Audience of 1”. We had two phenomenal speakers from Schertz UMC: Deacon Julianne and Pastor Jon Snape. Both led the youth in God’s word and taught them how to incorporate daily prayer. We learned about the prayer walk, Lectio Divina, coloring prayer, and Breath prayer. Each speaker encouraged the campers to engage with scripture reading by using different approaches to learn about God’s will for their lives.
I celebrate the leadership of many faithful servants who understand they are called for such a time like this. They invest their time and gifts into the lives of youth who are called to lead us into a new hope. I celebrate all of you who hold youth and youth workers in your daily prayers. I am thankful for people who donated funds during the Service of Recognition, Commissioning & Ordination offering to ensure youth explore and strengthen their faith. I dream where God will lead us with youth leaders like this. If you have a youth coordinator or people who invest time with youth in the community, please pray and tell them how valued their ministry is.
Written by Rev. Miguel Padilla