Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Bulverde UMC Blesses Classrooms

Bulverde UMC was invited to "anoint classrooms " in the Comal Independent School District. Teachers were allowed to have their room blessed by church members.

Here's is a description of the experience by Rev Hannah Hedgepeth:

"We were able to deliver 11 blessing baskets to our local schools and go into 7 schools where we were given a list of classrooms to pray over and anoint. It is truly a blessing to be able to love on our community. The Holy Spirit took over and gave us the words that the teachers needed to hear, many had tears from the blessing and were given peace, and desks were anointed that later the teacher mentioned - that’s the exact student that needs prayers. We prayed for protection for each and every school and that God’s love would be felt. I’m not sure our total number of classrooms and offices anointed, but it would be well over 250."

Written by Las Misiones District Superintendent Rev. Greg Hackett