Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Letter from Conference Lay Leader: General Conference Postponement Reflections

As all of you know, “General Conference 2020” (Alias GC2021…Alias GC2022) has again been postponed. In fact, the next General Conference of the United Methodist Church will be held in 2024 (, which is the already scheduled date of the NEXT General Conference.  

While the repeated rescheduling of the General Conference may be welcomed by some, others find the suspense stressful. Recently, a local church lay leader complained that his church was in a state of suspended animation; because they did not know what the future held for them. “How can we do ministry, when we don’t know what General Conference will bring?”  

I find solace in abundance in the scriptures: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. [Matthew 6:33-34 NIV]  

As Max Lucado says, “Feed your fears and your faith will starve. Feed your faith, and your fears will.” Countless churches of all Christian denominations are feeding themselves goblets of fear: Fear of the pandemic, fear of the economy, fear of changing mission fields, fear of dwindling congregations, fear of departing leadership, and the overwhelming fear of the unknown. It is easy to sip in fear from news network “talking heads,” social media, rumor mills, and self-serving opinionators…sips that gradually displace faith.  

I share with our churches a word from the letter to the church at Philadelphia:  I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. [Revelation 3:8 NIV]  

God knows and understands our frailties; yet He has opened doors for us to serve Him, even during these trying times. The COVID-19 pandemic has helped to reveal and clarify the need for justice ministries in every community where a United Methodist Church exists, as well as in countless communities that are not blessed with the presence of caring congregations. Accordingly, our eyes are being opened daily to critical needs that need more than our “thoughts and prayers.” Once we see them, how can we turn away?  

The praise song lyrics, “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, open the eyes of my heart. I want to see you…I want to see you.” I suggest that we consider these word as being a prayer…a prayer that has been answered. God is showing us who He is and who we should be in Him. When we serve the even least of those who suffer, we are serving God (Matthew 25:31-40).  

Rio Texas Conference congregations are feeding communities through food pantries and soup kitchens, providing shelter, offering healthcare resources, enhancing their worship and outreach ministries through technology, upgrading their facilities to welcome new people, finding new places and methods for extending the hand of fellowship, opening clothes closets, providing financial and social services, and more…even during a pandemic and without the sense of “certainty” that a General Conference meeting MIGHT provide.   

I urge every congregation to look to what God is calling us to be TODAY, not what we hope a meeting might inspire us to do tomorrow. One thing I have learned over these past two years is this: There is absolutely nothing that 100% guarantees that even GC2020/2024 will happen. But I am certain that there are people today who need what we, the Church, can provide today!  

Ralph Thompson 
Conference Lay Leader