Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Outreach Vitality Office Connects Local Hispanic Church with Education Resource

Julie Flanders of the Austin Region Justice for Our Neighbors, the immigration ministry of the United Methodist Church, presented to a group of students at the Mason County Friends of the Library in Mason County, TX about immigration reform on Feb. 19.  The presentation was titled “Know Your Rights,” and was presented in Spanish.

MCFL, the Hilda United Methodist Church, and the JFON were able to coordinate the vital informational session because Hilda UMC contacted the Outreach Vitality office. The office was able to get the MCFL and Hilda UMC in contact with the local JFON.

MCFL started offering free English courses in 2013 to help their large Hispanic population. Hilda UMC volunteers serve as teachers and daycare facilitators for students wanting to learn English. 22 percent of Mason County residents are Hispanic with a 2,014 population.

37 students attended Flanders’ informational session on the new immigration laws and policy.

“Julie [Flanders] was personable, well informed, articulate and honest,” said Nanci Gibbons, President of the MCFL and member of the Rio Texas Uniting Peoples Vision Team. “It was clear that she won the trust of the attendees very quickly. I am so grateful [to the JFON] for being there for our Mason neighbors.”

The Mission Vitality Center wants United Methodist Churches in the Rio Texas Conference to know that they can contact the Office of Outreach Vitality for any information regarding outreach ministry and resources.

“Our office is responsible for resourcing local churches with this exact type of ministry and mission work as well as any and all things about outreach ministries and communities,” said Abel Vega, Director of Outreach Vitality.

Information regarding the Outreach Vitality office may be found here. You may also contact Outreach Vitality here.