Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Rev. Dr. Zan Holmes & Rev. Edlen Cowley to Consult Rio Texas Pastor Cohort at Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence

Rev. Dr. Zan Holmes

The Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence invited a select group of Rio Texas pastors to participate in a preaching peer cohort. The cohort will be divided into two sub-groups: one for pastors that preach in African American congregations and one for pastors in cross-cultural appointments. Both sub-groups will have an opportunity to learn from Rev. Dr. Zan Holmes and Rev. Edlen Cowley.  

Rev. Dr. Zan Holmes is well known as the narrator-host of the Disciple I Bible Study video series. He is Pastor Emeritus of Dallas St. Luke Community United Methodist Church in the North Texas Conference, and adjunct professor at Perkins School of Theology. He previously served as District Superintendent in the North Texas Conference and was elected to the Texas House of Representatives from 1968-1972.  

As chairperson of the Tri-Ethnic Committee he implemented public school desegregation of Dallas Independent School District. Governor Ann Richards appointed Holmes to serve as the first African American on the University of Texas System Board of Regents in the 1990’s. The National Voting Rights Museum and Institute in Selma, Alabama recognized him in 2001 as one of the “Invisible Giants” of the Civil Rights Movement. He grew up in the parsonages of the West Texas Conference in San Angelo and Austin where he was ordained deacon and elder. He graduated from Huston Tillotson University and the Perkins School of Theology. He was awarded honorary Doctor’s degrees from Huston Tillotson, Dillard University, and Rust College.  

“To learn from Dr. Zan Holmes is to learn from a living legend who is one of the most effective preachers and pastors in our time,” said Crossroads District Superintendent Rev. Dr. Marcus Freeman. “He was my primary professor for preaching [at Perkins School of Theology] and I studied many of the basics under his guidance. His influence and support did not stop after I graduated and moved on. He has always been available to provide keynote presentations and serve as guest preacher at a number of programs end events at churches and ministries that I have been a part of. He is one of the key influences for the whole Church of this era.”  

“I hope to learn different ways of engaging people in a changing society with the good news of the kingdom of God,” said Austin Simpson UMC Senior Pastor Rev. Aaron Carter. “While I can’t be Dr. Holmes, through this privileged opportunity I can glean perspectives, methods and practices he has used to be an effective preacher throughout his extensive ministry.” 

Rev. Edlen Cowley

Rev. Edlen Cowley also served alongside Rev. Dr. Holmes at Dallas St. Luke Community UMC as an associate pastor. He also served several appointments around the North Texas Conference in multi-ethnic, white, and black congregations. He is a Coach and Consultation Team Member for the Healthy Church Initiative and is a Hardin Family Preaching Mentor at the Perkins Center for Preaching Excellence. Rev. Cowley is passionate about small group ministry and uses the 3D seminar on Designing, Developing, and Delivering Sermons & Overall Preaching Strategy. His annual Cross-Racial/Cross-Cultural Ministry Training Camp is popular within the connection. He is currently a District Superintendent in the North Texas Conference.