Rio Texas Annual Conference

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From the Rio Texas Cabinet: Encouraging diligence through rise of Covid-19 cases

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

Since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, the people of the Rio Texas Conference have worked to share ministry in ways that protect the health of all the people in our communities, especially the most vulnerable. We are proud of your creativity, and we know it is easy to grow weary. Now, as many churches have returned to in-person worship, and the number of new COVID-19 cases begins to rise, we write to encourage your continued safe practices.

Our leaders and ministry participants must remain committed to doing no harm to one another as we move into the winter. This means leaders will need to remain vigilant in monitoring local and county orders and data on the prevalence of COVID-19 in their respective communities. While final decisions should be made locally, in collaboration between pastors and congregational leaders, Bishop Schnase and the Cabinet strongly encourage the use of social distancing and face masks as best practices for in-person worship services and gatherings. Guidelines and considerations for church gatherings during COVID were shared with the Rio Texas Conference in April; that resource can be found here. This communication includes links to State of Texas recommendations for faith communities.

Masks and distancing, along with hygiene and cleaning practices, have proven to be effective in slowing the spread of the virus. A great number of our churches are already doing an excellent job of providing these protections to their worshipers, both indoors and outdoors; we just have to stay on task. If you would like to hear how others are managing this work, please reach out to colleagues or to your district superintendent.

We are approaching high, holy days, a season when the church typically revels in the retelling of our sacred story, through song, food, and all sorts of gatherings. Advent and Christmas this year will challenge us to find new ways to celebrate and witness to the miracle of the Incarnation that do not put people at risk. For some, that will mean continuing to meet in person, distancing and wearing masks; for other churches it might mean returning exclusively to online worship. We trust your community to make the best decision.

We need this story of life more than ever. The world needs this story. God has called us to this time, and God will supply what we need.

Each of us sends our gratitude to you for your faithfulness and courage during this time. We ask that you remain committed to keeping your families and communities safe, and we join you in claiming God’s promise of life in the days to come.


In Christ,
Bishop Robert Schnase and the Rio Texas Conference Cabinet


“Let us not become weary in doing good, 
for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
–Galatians 6:9