Rio Texas Annual Conference

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El Valle District Ministry Center – We’re Writing Our Story!

by Rev. Dr. Robert Lopez
Coastal Bend and El Valle Superintendent

Cinco de Mayo is a time of celebration! This past week El Valle District held its district celebration. During the celebration we did several things: 

  • Prepared for annual conference
  • Celebrated two new Project Transformation sites
  • Heard from children from our colonia ministries
  • Shared our vision of a Spanish leadership develop school (Academia)
  • Shared details about our 2019 Israel trip
  • Dedicated the new El Valle District Ministry Center to God. 

El Valle District Ministry Center is a vision of the district which involved repurposing a closed church and building ministry partners. The building was redesigned to support its new purposes. We envision partnering with other groups to educate and promote healthy eating and healthy choices. We aim to help lower childhood obesity rates in the Rio Grande Valley. 

Listed below are all of the ministries we see happening at the Ministry Center. We are praying and believing that these ministries along with intentional community relationship building will be a catalyst for a future worshiping community. You see the story we are writing is one that requires us to believe in God for something bigger than ourselves. I am not exactly sure how a new worshiping community will spring forth, but I am sure that God is calling us to try and believe. There is much to celebrate! The new building has been completed, and now the story begins! 

What will happen at the new El Valle District Ministry Center:

  • ESL/GED Classes
  • Citizenship Classes
  • Leadership Development
  • Academia - Fall 2018
  • Project Transformation Office
  • Support Groups
  • Wesley Nurse/Christian Counselor
  • Bible Studies
  • Healthy Cooking
  • Abundant Health Initiative
  • Community Garden
  • Mission Teams
  • District Work